The 2 Minute Update

Can cell phone magnets interfere with implanted...

Cell phones now contain strong magnets for wireless charging. Are they strong enough to turn ICDs off?  

Can cell phone magnets interfere with implanted...

Cell phones now contain strong magnets for wireless charging. Are they strong enough to turn ICDs off?  

Conflicting guidelines - How long do you antico...

New American Society of Hematology guidelines recommend anticontigulating indefinitely after unprovoked VTE, compared to prior Chest guidelines recommending 3 months.  

Conflicting guidelines - How long do you antico...

New American Society of Hematology guidelines recommend anticontigulating indefinitely after unprovoked VTE, compared to prior Chest guidelines recommending 3 months.  

Does outpatient follow-up after ED discharge af...

When patients are discharged from the ED, does an outpatient follow-up visit affect mortality?  

Does outpatient follow-up after ED discharge af...

When patients are discharged from the ED, does an outpatient follow-up visit affect mortality?  

Bariatric Surgery and All Cause Mortality

Does bariatric surgery decrease mortality? This Canadian study included over 13,000 surgery patients, followed for almost 5 years.  

Bariatric Surgery and All Cause Mortality

Does bariatric surgery decrease mortality? This Canadian study included over 13,000 surgery patients, followed for almost 5 years.  

Epigastric pain: antacids alone vs GI cocktail

What works better - and tastes better - for epigastric pain when you suspect gastritis? Researchers randomized antacids alone vs. antacids plus lidocaine.  

Epigastric pain: antacids alone vs GI cocktail

What works better - and tastes better - for epigastric pain when you suspect gastritis? Researchers randomized antacids alone vs. antacids plus lidocaine.  

How well do patients remember their medicaions?

Can patients accurately tell you what medications they are taking? This ED study evaluated that.

How well do patients remember their medicaions?

Can patients accurately tell you what medications they are taking? This ED study evaluated that.