Accreditation FAQ

Where can I find the accreditation information for a specific course?

For accreditation information for a specific course select the tab " Accreditation" on the course page or reference the accreditation page.

Can I receive ACCME  AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™?

Yes, we are jointly accredited with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provideAMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Can I receive ABIM MOC points?

Yes, we are jointly accredited with the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).

Can I receive AAPA Credits?

AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society.

Can I receive ANCC credit for your courses?

Yes, all of our courses are accredited for ANCC hours including pharmacotherapy credit.

Can I receive AANP credit for your courses?

We are not directly associated with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).  However, our educational programs are ACCME certified.  AANP accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME.  Additionally, AANC contact hours are also accepted by ANNP, including pharmacotherapy credit.  However, it is a good idea to check with your state board to make sure your state accepts the credits.

Can I receive ACPE credit for your courses?

PACE designates these continuing education activities for 2-16 contact hours (0.2-1.6 CEUs) of the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. Type of activity: Application.

Universal Activity Numbers will be provided at each activity.

Can I receive AAFP credit for your courses?

The AAFP has reviewed the LIVE series activity Outpatient Medicine Update, and deemed it acceptable for AAFP credit. This activity is approved for 16 AAFP Prescribed credits.

The AAFP has reviewed the LIVE series activity Hospital Medicine Update, and deemed it acceptable for AAFP credit. This activity is approved for 16 AAFP Prescribed credits.

Our enduring CME activities are designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and as such you can receive AAFP Elective Credit for them.

Can I receive AOA credit for your courses?

Our LIVE courses are classified as AOA Category 2A Activities. The online courses are designated as AOA Category 2B Activities.

Can I receive ECMEC credit for your courses?

Our educational programs are ACCME certified to award AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.  Following the agreement on the mutual recognition of credits between the American Medical Association and the UEMS-EACCME: European physicians can earn their ECMECs by attending live events worldwide, except in Europe, that have been certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and completing e-learning programs: from accredited providers from the United States, that have been certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™