Destination CME FAQ

What is Destination CME?

Destination CME allows you to attend incredible CME courses in your choice of destination.  Your CME certificate will reflect the course, dates and chosen location.

How does Destination CME work?

  • Choose your course - Outpatient or Hospital Medicine Update
  • Choose your four day week (Tuesday to Friday or Wednesday to Saturday)
  • Choose your location
  • If we don't already have your preference available on our website, contact us at and we will try to accommodate

How does Destination CME qualify as a “Live CME activity”?

To qualify as a “live activity” the course presentations must take place at defined times and provide the ability to interact with the instructor and other students.  We schedule the courses at defined convenient times and provide a chat box for students to interact.  The instructor(s) will respond by email or in some cases an additional video to any questions that are presented by the students.

Can the Destination CME training be done from anywhere? 

Yes, all that you require is internet access. 

What is the latest date to register for a Destination CME event?

To allow us to make appropriate arrangements, you must register for the course at least three days prior to the start date.

Are there any other dates that I could do a Destination CME other than what is on the website?

Yes, just contact us at to let us know your preferred dates and we will try to work with you. We keep our courses to 16 hours and four days but otherwise we can be flexible. This also allows us to schedule several students at the same time which allows student interaction online.

Are there any other locations for Destination CME other than what is on the website?

Yes, just contact us at to let us know your preferred location.

Can I go on a cruise for a Destination CME Event?

Yes, you can do a cruise as a Destination CME event. We have selected at least one cruise a month as a designated event. On our designated cruises we will provide $100 credit for your internet purchases and we also have negotiated discounted rates. The cruises must be purchased through our partner CME Custom Travel.

What steps would I go through to set up a destination event if the dates/location are not listed on your website?

Please contact us at and let us know your preferences which we will try to accommodate. Please provide the following information: Course desired - Outpatient or Hospital, Dates desired, and Location.

How do I choose a location/hotel for a Destination CME?

You are welcome to choose any location and hotel – we don’t limit your options.  However, if you are looking for suggestions – we recommend attending one of our LIVE conferences.    We purposely chose fabulous locations for our LIVE conferences and have great negotiated rates with the hotels.

Do you have any deals with hotels at the locations listed?

At this time we only have negotiated hotel rates with the hotels we use for our LIVE
conferences.  Any negotiated rates are detailed in our conference listing.

Do I need to provide proof of hotel & travel arrangements?

We do not audit your travel arrangements.  It is up to you to keep receipts for reimbursement and/or IRS auditing purposes. 

Can you please clarify for me- do I need to sign on to the lived stream event from my hotel room at the "live times" in order to receive credit and a certificate? Or can it be watched at different times/days?

The courses will be live streamed or broadcast at the defined times.  Additionally, we provide the recordings which you can watch at a later time if you miss the defined times. 

How do I get my certificate?

On the last day of the course, you will receive a link for the evaluation.  Once you complete the evaluation, your certificate will be emailed to you.  If you desire ABIM or AAFP credit, you will also be required to complete a short quiz. 

How many credit hours do I receive for a Destination CME Event?

The Destination CME Event provides up to 16 Credit Hours. Additionally, we include the online version which can provide an additional 16 credit hours for a total of up to 32 credit hours.