Course Info - Hospital Medicine Update

  • Up to 16 hours of accredited CME
  • Available in LIVE conferences, or online.
  • LIVE conferences include access to the online version for 3 months for flexibility
  • Content for both formats is the same: accredited CME focused on adult hospital medicine.
  • We cover the latest guidelines, studies, and developments and update the content regularly as new guidelines and studies are released.
  • People rave about our content, saying it helps them be better primary care providers, emergency medicine providers, anesthesiologists, surgeons, nephrologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, and other specialists providing better care both inside the hospital, and in appointments following hospitalization.

Course Content:

Atrial Fibrillation Update:

  • The latest guidelines and studies guidelines
  • DOACs: the latest data, including multiple 2022 and 2021 studies
  • A Fib and ESRD: Does anticoagulation prevent strokes? Save lives?
  • Ablation: Who benefits the most?

Bacteremia and Endocarditis:

  • When are two antibiotics beneficial? When do they cause harm?
  • Treating ESBL bacteremia
  • Gram negative bacteremia: is 7 days of antibiotics enough?
  • Endocarditis: my patient wants PO antibiotics, what do the studies say?

C diff:

  • Includes recent IDSA and AGA guideline updates
  • Recurrent C diff: is it time for fecal transplant?
  • Do PPIs increase risk of recurrence?


    • 2021 AGA guidelines reviewed
    • 2021 British ascites guidelines and 2021 AASLD hepatorenal syndrome guidance covered
    • Portal vein thrombosis: to treat or not to treat
    • Does early paracentesis save lives?
    • Maybe my patient needs TIPS – can I predict risk of cardiac decompensation?

    COPD, Asthma and Supplemental Oxygen:

    • Updates from the latest guidelines
    • Includes guidelines on high-flow oxygen use
    • SABAs, SAMAs, LABAs, LAMAs and ICS’s: Who and when
    • NIPPV: Does it help at home? Does it help in the hospital?
    • Oxygen: Is too much of a good thing bad?


    • Latest guidelines on inpatient management
    • Latest outcomes data on bariatric surgery
    • DPP-4, GLP-1 and SGLT-2 med updates: latest data on mortality, CV outcomes and CHF
    • Tirzepatide  - latest data on DM and weight loss outcomes

    DVT and PE:

    • Latest ACCP guidelines reviewed
    • Includes recent guidelines on VTE in cancer patients
    • PE: when is outpatient treatment recommended
    • Anticoagulants and fracture risk
    • VTE in cancer patients: heparin, warfarin or DOAC? Latest data

    GI Bleeding:

    • Covers latest ACG and International Consensus Group Guidelines
    • EGD: does timing matter?
    • DOACs and warfarin: Similar risks? Do PPIs prevent bleeds?
    • Should I restart my patient’s DOAC? What do the data say?

    Heart Failure:

    • Includes ACC/AHA 2022 guidelines
    • The latest data on SGLT-2 inhibitors: which have data for heart failure? Which patients benefit? Do they prevent hospitalizations? Are they indicated for my patient?
    • The echo shows normal EF; is this HFpEF?
    • NIPPV: who benefits?


    • Latest guidelines and data
    • Fluids: Does selection matter? Am I giving enough?
    • When is it right to let the patient eat?


    • Latest guidelines
    • Empiric steroids: guidelines vs. the latest data
    • Is this viral or bacterial?
    • When is it time to stop antibiotics?


    • Latest Surviving Sepsis guidelines covered
    • The Hour 1 Bundle: evidence-based?
    • Empiric steroids: guidelines vs. the latest data
    • Delay in giving antibiotics: does it matter?
    • Continuous antibiotic infusion: what the data say
    • NS vs. LR


    • Latest guidelines on stroke prevention and early management of stroke
    • When to re-start anticoagulation: guidelines vs. latest data
    • Carotid artery stenosis: Should I recommend CEA, a stent, or medical management?
    • DAPT after stroke: the latest data
    • PFO: Latest guidelines – DOAC, aspirin, or closure?

      We constantly evaluate new studies and guidelines, and adjust our course content accordingly. Our goal is to always present the latest info that will help you improve how you care for patients.