Teaching Opportunities

We are looking for a few great CME teachers!

We are committed to the best content. We provide the slides with the latest guidelines and studies - they are continuously updated as new info comes out.

We are also committed to our teachers being "in the trenches" seeing patients. Sorry, we don't need super specialists. Our teachers all practice medicine, and teach about half of a 16 hour conference. So they need to have the ability to present guidelines and studies regarding multiple organ systems and disease states. There are lots of CME teachers who don't see patients any longer, and can only cover a thin slice of cardiology or endocrinology. That's fine, but that's not what CME Vacations is about.

Ideal candidates are good presenters, have a strong desire to stay current in their practice, and are practicing physicians or faculty members. Typically, we want 2 presenters to split each week's seminar sessions, so each presenter only talks for about 8 hours. A great way to stay current, get occasional fully paid "working vacations," and earn extra money.

For more information, email teach@CMEvacations.com and include a CV.